This is a tender time in the life of our nation and our community. We are in the middle of a pandemic that continues to wreak havoc, thus calling on each of us to reach out with compassion to friends, neighbors, and colleagues who have lost loved ones or jobs, who need shelter or sustenance, and whose spirits are sagging.
This is also a tenuous time. We are nearing the end of an unprecedented election season that has been long on division and short on mutual respect on the part of all political persuasions. Some days, it seems as if the very fabric of our democracy is beginning to fray. The underlying issues that have led us to this point did not develop overnight, and they will not dissipate quickly.
But we have hope.
The Oak Ridge Ministerial Association (ORMA) is an organization of faith and non-profit leaders that span a wide spectrum of faith traditions and perspectives. Formed more than 50 years ago, ORMA seeks to foster a culture of peace, justice, love, and well-being in our community at all times, and especially in times of uncertainty and unrest.
We invite all citizens to join us in exercising kindness and patience with one another before, during, and after these final days leading up to Election Day. Let us pray for and with one another and seek peace with those with whom we disagree.
In unity and in hope,
Oak Ridge Ministerial Association
Sharon Youngs, President (First Presbyterian Church)
Rory Naeve, Vice President (First Baptist Church)
Kimberly Montierth (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints)
Barbara McCord (Baha’i Community)